Fashion, Sports

Beyond All Reach for Team Providence


The Team Providence 6th Grade Boys Division 1 AAU Basketball team is making history! This talented, athletic and enthusiastic bunch represents the first boys team in Team Providence’s organizational history to have a qualified to compete in a national tournament. They will be one of only 100 other elite teams from across America to compete in this tournament in Hampton, Virginia in July! They have earned Team Providence a top ranking in the New England AAU chapter of competitive basketball in their age/division and Team Providence will be the ONLY 6th Grade boys’ team representing the Rhode Island!

Beyond All Reach designed these shirts in effort to raise money to cover costs associated with participating in the National tournament (housing, food, travel, etc.) – all proceeds from the sale of these shooting shirts will be donated to the team. If you are interested in supporting Team Providence, CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE YOUR SHOOTING SHIRT.

To learn more about Team Providence and their participation in the National tournament, head here.

THE DEADLINE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER IS JULY 7TH. No orders will be accepted after this time. Shipping is included in the $26 price.


Team Providence 6th Grade AAU Basketball Team Needs Your Help….


Please read the fund raiser & make a donation to help these kids if you can. Thank you! You can donate by clicking HERE.

I am excited to announce that our 6th Grade Boys Division 1 AAU Basketball team is making Team Providence history! These talented, athletic and enthusiastic boys are the first boys’ team in our organization’s history to have a qualified to compete in a national tournament. We will be one of only 100 other elite teams from across America to compete in this tournament in Hampton, Virginia in July! We are proud and honored to represent the state of Rhode Island!

This team has worked very hard and is a dedicated group of young men who love to play basketball. They have earned Team Providence a top ranking in the New England AAU chapter of competitive basketball in their age/division. Team Providence will be the ONLY 6th Grade boys’ team representing the Rhode Island!

However, as in many inner city youth programs we simply do not have the funding to cover these costs. We are raising funds for our 6th Grade Boys team to compete in the National AAU 12 and under tournament in Hampton Virginia. This is an exciting opportunity for this team who has worked together for two years under Coach Josh Corria to become an outstanding competitive team.

We are working hard and need to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of housing, food and the tournament entrance fees.

Housing: $ 6,540
Food: $ 2,730
Entrance Fees $ 645

We need your help to get these boys to the tournament! Please donate, and spread the word.
Thank you!


News, Sports

Guest Blog: “The Intriguing….New York Knicks” by @ProfessorCorria



The New York Knicks are by far the most intriguing team in the NBA.  This is primarily due to the possibility of the leagues’ largest market organization returning to the big stage in the playoffs this spring. Let’s be clear, the Knicks are a serious threat in the Eastern Conference, because of the way they have constructed their current roster after the dumpster fire that it had been from 2001 to 2011. Finally they have a team where the pieces seem to fit, everyone has a clear and defined role, and they have a coach in place that will instill the defensive structure needed in order to get key stops in April and May. The biggest improvement that the Knicks made in the off-season was also what brought them the most scrutiny; adding several veteran players. Jason Kidd, Kurt Thomas, and Rasheed Wallace have all seen better days, but what they bring to a team on the floor and an organization off the floor cannot be measured with stats or advanced metrics. They are culture changers, especially Jason Kidd, they bring toughness, impart wisdom, maintain stability, and most importantly, they hold everyone accountable. Last year’s addition of 7-foot defensive workhorse Tyson Chandler brought a certain level of seriousness to a team that was struggling to find an identity. Complimentary players like Ronnie Brewer, Iman Shumpert, and Steve Novak make it much easier to field a solid team on days when talented, but mercurial J.R. Smith goes off the reservation and deviates from the team concept that has been put in place by the coaching staff. There is a lot to like about this New York Knicks team, they have a very high ceiling, but their success will rest on a few pairs of very broad shoulders, and it will be interesting to see how things unfold as winter gives way to spring. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “The Intriguing….New York Knicks” by @ProfessorCorria”


Guest Blog: “The Los Angeles Lakers: The Case For Mike D’Antoni” By @ProfessorCorria

The Los Angeles Lakers: The Case For Mike D’Antoni

Ever since the Los Angeles Lakers hired Mike D’Antoni on Monday, November 12th instead of the “Zen Master” Phil Jackson, the outcry from Laker fans and the basketball world in general has been loud and resounding: the Lakers made the wrong move! Would hiring Phil Jackson have been a coup for the Lakers? Yes, you can’t go wrong with a coach who has won 11 championship rings, five of which came while coaching the Los Angeles Lakers, but talks broke down for a myriad of reasons in which the details are murky at best. Mike D’Antoni wasn’t a bad second option to fall back on. He is a fairly accomplished coach, but has often been savaged on social networks and by the worldwide leader in sports journalism, ESPN. The summary of these critiques are basically state that he does not coach defense, he has a big ego, he won’t be able to handle the pressure of coaching in Los Angeles, and his flawed system will not be able to help bring the Lakers another championship. While professional analysts will spew these opinions verbatim, I say to you these assertions are absolutely ridiculous and very short sighted. I understand that Lakers fans really wanted Phil Jackson, but if memory serves, the last time Phil Jackson coached the Lakers they were swept in the second round by the Dallas Mavericks in unceremonious fashion. Does the image of a broom with a purple and gold back drop ring a bell? Not to mention that Jackson has had hip and knee replacement surgery recently, is 67 years old, and wasn’t sure if he still had the fire to coach. The major knock on D’Antoni is that while his offensive system is entertaining and can win games in the regular season, his defensive philosophy will leave his teams exposed in the playoffs. If you listen to First Take or Kurt Rambis (a Phil Jackson acolyte) on Sports Center, you would think the Lakers just hired a high school coach. But Mike D’Antoni’s record as a coach deserves a MUCH closer look. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “The Los Angeles Lakers: The Case For Mike D’Antoni” By @ProfessorCorria”


Guest Blog: “The Unappreciated Greatness of Kevin Garnett” by @ProfessorCorria

The Unappreciated Greatness of Kevin Garnett.

By Professor Corria

Nobody brings it like Kevin Garnett. Kevin Garnett possesses a myriad of skills and talents, but his greatest strength as a basketball player is the fact that he competes every single night. As a man who has accumulated $291,362,398 Million dollars in his career thus far, in on the court earnings and stands to earn another $36,010,000 million dollars over the next three years, he still competes like he won’t eat if his team doesn’t win. How do you measure the worth of a player? How do you measure the worth of a man? Is it the stats, the wins, how good of a teammate he is? I look at Kevin Garnett and I see a trailblazer, a fierce competitor, a revered teammate and a man who got the most out of the talent that he had. He’s prepared mentally and physically for every game, every season and never cheats the fans that spend their time and money to watch him. Garnett never gets the acclaim or recognition that he deserves because he played the PRIME of his career for small-market Minnesota, and when he finally got to a big market, he was coming to “Paul Pierce’s team”. When he came to the Boston Celtics he transformed the culture of a raggedy lottery team, and molded them into a 66 win defensive juggernaut that captured the NBA title. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “The Unappreciated Greatness of Kevin Garnett” by @ProfessorCorria”


Guest Blog: “Why The Miami Heat Will Win The 2013 NBA Championship” By: @ProfessorCorria


              There are two reasons I feel that the Miami Heat will capture this year’s NBA title: 1.) LeBron James and 2.) The ability of the Miami Heat to play small ball because of LeBron James. Let’s be clear, LeBron James is the BEST player in the NBA, and it’s by a wide margin. He is the best player in the NBA for a vast amount of reasons, the largest being the fact that he gives the Miami Heat coaching staff supreme lineup flexibility. LeBron James is the Queen on the chess board, he is dangerous from every spot on the floor and the closer he gets to the rim, the more devastating he can be.  The fact that LeBron is posting up more and basically playing power forward for the Heat is allowing Miami to operate at their optimum level. How many times have you watched your favorite team play and wish they could put their 5 best players out there on the court but they can’t because of the position they play? Well Miami doesn’t have that problem. Their best lineup is LeBron James, Dwayne Wade , Chris Bosh, Big wing player X(Mike Miller or Shane Battier) and Smaller wing player Y(Mario Chalmers, Norris Cole or Ray Allen. This has terrified almost every single team in the league into making acquisitions and tinkering with different lineups trying to find ways to matchup with this small ball lineup. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “Why The Miami Heat Will Win The 2013 NBA Championship” By: @ProfessorCorria”

News, Sports

Guest Blog: “Trade Wade” by @ProfessorCorria


          I know the idea sounds ludicrous, and you assume that I am on drugs or just plain stupid, but there are valid reasons for the Miami Heat to trade one of their superstars, Dwayne Wade. First and foremost Dwayne Wade is a great player and has led a team to a championship in the past. But, if we are all being honest we have to acknowledge that the Miami Heat play better when Dwayne Wade is out of the lineup. It’s obvious to the naked eye that their offense flows better without Wade in the lineup and that almost to a man every player on the team performs better and is utilized more efficiently without his presence. Dwayne Wade turned 30 this past week and you can see throughout history that every marquee shooting guard has seen their numbers decline steadily after the age of 30. Even the great Michael Jordan saw his scoring numbers and player efficiency rating decline after the age of 30( As great as Dwayne Wade is, he does have an injury history and a penchant for crashing to the floor several times a game. Lastly, Imagine what the trade possibilities would be for a player like Dwayne Wade? Would Orlando turn down a trade offer of Dwayne Wade and Joel Anthony for JJ Reddick and Dwight Howard, knowing they would have Wade locked in until 2014? The thoughts is intriguing to say the least. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “Trade Wade” by @ProfessorCorria”


Guest Blog: “First Pick” by @ProfessorCorria

Who Ya Got?

By Professor Corria

The professor has blessed us with another piece today! So take a read & let us know in the comment section who you got? Who would be YOUR 1st Pick.

            The biggest argument in any discussion about basketball is who the best player in the NBA is? Is it LeBron? Is it Kobe? Is it Superman? And hey what about D-Rose? This question can never be answered because every individual has their own criteria in regards to how they judge a player. One question that isn’t asked enough though is; If you were building an NBA franchise, who is the first player currently playing in the NBA that you would select? What would matter the most to you, selling tickets or building a championship team? What position do you feel is most important to a successful NBA team? Or would you go ahead and pick the best player regardless of position? How much do intangibles matter, those special immeasurable traits that can’t be seen in the box score, but only in the locker room? When you are a GM and you are building a team there are so many big and small things to consider, because you don’t want to be the guy that picked Greg Oden and Sam Bowie, while passing on Kevin Durant and Michael Jordan. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “First Pick” by @ProfessorCorria”

News, Sports

The Truth about the NBA Lockout: By @ProfessorCorria

The Truth about the NBA Lockout:   

By Professor Corria

First let me say this: I love basketball at all levels, from High School to the Association, I love to watch basketball. Right now it hurts to see that the NBA is mired in a lockout and the start of the season has been delayed, with the threat of the entire schedule of 2,460 games being wiped away. It’s easy to choose sides in this dispute, are you with the Players Association or the NBA ownership group? Most of mainstream America will likely find fault with the players, while most die-hard fans will find fault with the owners. There are two ways of looking at this quarrel, what is fair and what will be the outcome due to leverage. The word “leverage” is key because he who possesses the most leverage will win this battle. 

Continue reading “The Truth about the NBA Lockout: By @ProfessorCorria”