
Guest Blog: “The Los Angeles Lakers: The Case For Mike D’Antoni” By @ProfessorCorria

The Los Angeles Lakers: The Case For Mike D’Antoni

Ever since the Los Angeles Lakers hired Mike D’Antoni on Monday, November 12th instead of the “Zen Master” Phil Jackson, the outcry from Laker fans and the basketball world in general has been loud and resounding: the Lakers made the wrong move! Would hiring Phil Jackson have been a coup for the Lakers? Yes, you can’t go wrong with a coach who has won 11 championship rings, five of which came while coaching the Los Angeles Lakers, but talks broke down for a myriad of reasons in which the details are murky at best. Mike D’Antoni wasn’t a bad second option to fall back on. He is a fairly accomplished coach, but has often been savaged on social networks and by the worldwide leader in sports journalism, ESPN. The summary of these critiques are basically state that he does not coach defense, he has a big ego, he won’t be able to handle the pressure of coaching in Los Angeles, and his flawed system will not be able to help bring the Lakers another championship. While professional analysts will spew these opinions verbatim, I say to you these assertions are absolutely ridiculous and very short sighted. I understand that Lakers fans really wanted Phil Jackson, but if memory serves, the last time Phil Jackson coached the Lakers they were swept in the second round by the Dallas Mavericks in unceremonious fashion. Does the image of a broom with a purple and gold back drop ring a bell? Not to mention that Jackson has had hip and knee replacement surgery recently, is 67 years old, and wasn’t sure if he still had the fire to coach. The major knock on D’Antoni is that while his offensive system is entertaining and can win games in the regular season, his defensive philosophy will leave his teams exposed in the playoffs. If you listen to First Take or Kurt Rambis (a Phil Jackson acolyte) on Sports Center, you would think the Lakers just hired a high school coach. But Mike D’Antoni’s record as a coach deserves a MUCH closer look. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “The Los Angeles Lakers: The Case For Mike D’Antoni” By @ProfessorCorria”