Sports, Video

Video: Kevin Garnett – The Kid [Documentary]


Entering the NBA out of High School, Kevin Garnett proves that he can play with the big boys. Also below is the story of him & Stephon Marbury in Minnesota.
Continue reading “Video: Kevin Garnett – The Kid [Documentary]”

Sports, Video

Gerald Wallace Throws Down on Top of Garnett | Dunk of the Night

Gerald Wallace rattles the rim with the poster dunk over KG.


Guest Blog: “The Unappreciated Greatness of Kevin Garnett” by @ProfessorCorria

The Unappreciated Greatness of Kevin Garnett.

By Professor Corria

Nobody brings it like Kevin Garnett. Kevin Garnett possesses a myriad of skills and talents, but his greatest strength as a basketball player is the fact that he competes every single night. As a man who has accumulated $291,362,398 Million dollars in his career thus far, in on the court earnings and stands to earn another $36,010,000 million dollars over the next three years, he still competes like he won’t eat if his team doesn’t win. How do you measure the worth of a player? How do you measure the worth of a man? Is it the stats, the wins, how good of a teammate he is? I look at Kevin Garnett and I see a trailblazer, a fierce competitor, a revered teammate and a man who got the most out of the talent that he had. He’s prepared mentally and physically for every game, every season and never cheats the fans that spend their time and money to watch him. Garnett never gets the acclaim or recognition that he deserves because he played the PRIME of his career for small-market Minnesota, and when he finally got to a big market, he was coming to “Paul Pierce’s team”. When he came to the Boston Celtics he transformed the culture of a raggedy lottery team, and molded them into a 66 win defensive juggernaut that captured the NBA title. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “The Unappreciated Greatness of Kevin Garnett” by @ProfessorCorria”