News, Sports

Guest Blog: “Trade Wade” by @ProfessorCorria


          I know the idea sounds ludicrous, and you assume that I am on drugs or just plain stupid, but there are valid reasons for the Miami Heat to trade one of their superstars, Dwayne Wade. First and foremost Dwayne Wade is a great player and has led a team to a championship in the past. But, if we are all being honest we have to acknowledge that the Miami Heat play better when Dwayne Wade is out of the lineup. It’s obvious to the naked eye that their offense flows better without Wade in the lineup and that almost to a man every player on the team performs better and is utilized more efficiently without his presence. Dwayne Wade turned 30 this past week and you can see throughout history that every marquee shooting guard has seen their numbers decline steadily after the age of 30. Even the great Michael Jordan saw his scoring numbers and player efficiency rating decline after the age of 30( As great as Dwayne Wade is, he does have an injury history and a penchant for crashing to the floor several times a game. Lastly, Imagine what the trade possibilities would be for a player like Dwayne Wade? Would Orlando turn down a trade offer of Dwayne Wade and Joel Anthony for JJ Reddick and Dwight Howard, knowing they would have Wade locked in until 2014? The thoughts is intriguing to say the least. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “Trade Wade” by @ProfessorCorria”


Guest Blog: “We Can Tell Y’all Smashed” by @iigotDuped

Well. I don’t agree fully, but obviously Dupe is the master at this so who am I to disagree. Read on & let us know what you think below in the comments section.

“We Can Tell Y’all Smashed”

by: @iigotDuped

              All I tweeted was “You could always tell if people have had sex by the way they stand next to each other” and apparently people caught feelings sending the twitter world into uproar. So I’m here to set it straight for all those people trying to attain greatness.  Sex fucks up boundaries that’s a fact of life. That’s why the side chick be climbing through your baby mamas windows. And why taboo games turn into World War 3 but that’s another story. People need to understand that when you have sex with someone you have crossed the normal physical threshold. The awkward feeling you get when someone is standing too close cease to exist after you done busted it wide open for a nigga. Both people seem to not be bothered by the intrusion of space.  I mean I’m not saying that you’ll be all up under this person but you’ll be just a little too close.  It’s all about non verbal communication and spatial relations. Body language says everything you verbally don’t wanna say
 This theory can only be observed in natural settings. I’m not gonna terrorize you with scientific jargon but basically the main reason behind sex is procreation
 hormones like oxytocin, dopamine and some androgens make you stand closer to this person in order to increase chances of having sex again. That’s as simple as it gets. PURE FACT.  Of course there are fools out there thinking about “what if the sex wasn’t good”
 well then you wouldn’t even let the person come within an arms length reach. People who dispute the argument probably smashed the homey and are afraid they might be caught.. I mean but what do I know I never even kissed a boy. Y’all be cool how y’all be cool.



Guest Blog: “Be Yourself” by @iTalk2Slick

Babawale is back with another blog post for us. It’s been a while since he’s blessed us here at with one. Well I think this one is pretty simple man, just be yourself. I don’t think it’s that hard it is?        

“Be Yourself”

           Guess who’s back with another post for the blogosphere? I thought I would touch on something which bugs me on a daily basis. Lack of originality. Actually, scratch that. It’s damn near impossible to be “original” nowadays. I don’t expect anyone to be original. I do expect for people to be themselves though. Yes. That makes perfect sense. You’ll see by the end of this blog. I promise. So just chill and read. Cool? Iight. Here we go.

            This applies to the chicks who get on Twitter on Sunday asking if the Heat and Celtics are playing in the Super Bowl. This applies to the individuals who created a social networking persona which they don’t live in real life. This applies to the person who dresses a certain type of way because that’s how everyone else is dressing. It goes out to the dudes who are trying to smash as many chicks as they can because their homeboys are doing it. If you aren’t about that life, then don’t try to portray it. Because people can pick you out like a black dude at a Justin Beiber concert. You just don’t fit in and it’s painfully apparent. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “Be Yourself” by @iTalk2Slick”


Guest Blog: “First Pick” by @ProfessorCorria

Who Ya Got?

By Professor Corria

The professor has blessed us with another piece today! So take a read & let us know in the comment section who you got? Who would be YOUR 1st Pick.

            The biggest argument in any discussion about basketball is who the best player in the NBA is? Is it LeBron? Is it Kobe? Is it Superman? And hey what about D-Rose? This question can never be answered because every individual has their own criteria in regards to how they judge a player. One question that isn’t asked enough though is; If you were building an NBA franchise, who is the first player currently playing in the NBA that you would select? What would matter the most to you, selling tickets or building a championship team? What position do you feel is most important to a successful NBA team? Or would you go ahead and pick the best player regardless of position? How much do intangibles matter, those special immeasurable traits that can’t be seen in the box score, but only in the locker room? When you are a GM and you are building a team there are so many big and small things to consider, because you don’t want to be the guy that picked Greg Oden and Sam Bowie, while passing on Kevin Durant and Michael Jordan. Continue reading “Guest Blog: “First Pick” by @ProfessorCorria”


Guest Blog: R.I.P. “Hater” by @iTalk2Slick

It’s Friday & today Wale decided to tackle the “HATER” term….LOL enjoy this one.

R.I.P. “Hater”

First things first. If you eat Chili flavored Ramen noodles, this post isn’t for you. So exit your browser right now and go about your day. These posts are only for people who are trying to prosper.

Iight. I’m back for my third post. Shouts to for giving me the opportunity to spread my ignorance across these here internets. The tweets weren’t safe once I created my Twitter account. I have been told on numerous occasions that I don’t deserve a Twitter actually. *Shrugs* Now these blogs are next to fall. You need a good dose of ignorance in your life. It helps give you perspective and context. The more ignorance, the better, I always say. What am I talking about right now??? I don’t even know. So I’m just bout to Frog Splash right into this post.

“Hater”. We need to host a funeral service for this five letter word. I despise hearing this term nowadays. The word hater is tossed around like a freshman groupie at a football after party. It is used so much that it has honestly lost all meaning. Nowadays it seems like you’re called a hater for not cosigning with the masses. Well I don’t apologize for having enough brain power to create my own thought processes. I’m just saying. A lot of people are sheep nowadays. Yup. I said it. You want to be accepted rather than heard. Forget that. I have entirely too much to say for all that.

It is almost impossible to have an opinion nowadays and not be called a hater. A song doesn’t do anything for you. “Hater” You don’t like an artist. “Hater” You don’t think someone is attractive. “Hater” Word? So basically I just have to have a point of view to be a hater. Cool. Swag. Me. The. Fuck. Out!!!! If that’s the case you can label me the biggest hater EVER!!! I’m VERY opinionated. I see things through from my own perspective and you would be hard pressed to change my mind on anything I believe in. There is a better chance of them freeing Boosie tomorrow.

These people claim  that, “Oh. I’ve got all these haters.” What haters? Please. Point one of them out. You do realize that you have to have something going for yourself to have haters, right? Nobody hates on the chick that is making FedEx box deliveries all over town. It makes no sense. So other females are envious of you because multiple guys are doing the same thing to your vagina as Waka Flocka and his homeboys did to that dude at the bowling alley? Utterly baffling. And no man should EVER say that another man is “hating” on him. You sound like a stone cold homo. Why are you even worried what the next male thinks about you? That’s some shit I would expect from a dude rocking skinny jeans, Ugg boots and wearing a thong.

So why is it that you have to have haters? Have you ever thought that maybe you are just a genuinely dislikable person? I know plenty of people I dislike and there isn’t a single ounce of “hate” in my blood for these individuals. Some of you just aren’t good people. It’s true. Some of you are just dirty motherfuckers. And you KNOW it. There is no reason to like you. Like V-Nasty. I know nothing about her. But I know I don’t like her. If she ever used the N-word around me, I would slap her so hard that her great grandchildren would have brain damage. But there is no “hate”. Only legitimate disdain for her existence.

Just because someone disagrees with your point of view doesn’t mean they’re hating. It simply means they have their own point of view. I respect different points of view even if I don’t agree with them. As long as your point of view has some reason or logic behind it, I’ll acknowledge it. Illogical logic doesn’t get any respect around here though. I’ll act like God never created you if you say some shit that makes absolutely no sense. But I wouldn’t call you a hater. Just an idiot. Use the term “hater” around me and I’m pushing you out of a moving vehicle. Gucci Mane style. We need to lay this term to rest. So please. Just let it die.

Well I should probably get back to paying attention in this Corporations class. Until my next post, y’all keep being great.


Guest Blog: “Did He Just Tweet That?” by @SholaBoyTellEm

Why do you have a Twitter again?

I’m gonna try this whole typing like a normal human being for this week’s blog to see what it’s like on the other side. I’m only two sentences in and I already feel like a dead beat father that’s currently on the run for eluding his child support payments. I don’t know how y’all do this day in & day out but to each his own I guess & before I forget, this is for that one nigga that disliked my blog last week you’re a bastard child with no goals in life and I hope you never find true happiness as long as there is an ounce of breath in your body. So with that said let us begin
 Actually wait, before I even start this, first and foremost, fuck all you niggas. Why? Because while everyone’s thoroughly enjoying life I’m over here eating chicken flavored Ramen Noodles & drinking a bottle of warm Stop & Shop branded water in the dark. This is the epitome of a pure struggle, off of this one meal alone I could become a successful rapper with plenty of hardship to rhyme about. But enough about me, let’s get into today’s topic, wack tweeters.

I’m sick you people, every last one of you disgust me. I wish for every last one of y’all to die a slow & painful twitter death.  If Twitter for iPhone wasn’t so trash, I would’ve muted half of you filthy niggas a while back. Don’t feed me the “it’s my Twitter so I could tweet whatever I want” bullshit either. We know you could, it’s basically your God given right but guess what? We still don’t give a fuck; it’s OUR timeline so we still have to deal with this shit. Don’t nobody give a fuck that you’re about to hop in the shower or how accurate your Horoscope is today and we especially don’t give two shits about the moistureless ass nigga that slithered his way into your DM’s & “tried to bag” but failed woefully. By the way, if you don’t Twitpic it, it never happened.

And I can’t forget about you un-original “inspirational” tweeters either. How are you gonna go on Google, search for “mind-stimulating quotes”, then go to the last page so you can copy & paste shit discreetly, like everything’s all good. What you thought we didn’t know? Nigga, we’re on to you. Don’t forget we actually know some of you people in real life & you are NOT nor will you ever be capable of thinking, never mind actually conveying your thoughts in a proper sentence. So don’t come on Twitter expecting niggas to believe you have an IQ of 162 when in reality you’re no smarter than a newborn duck.

But while I’m here I would like to give a quick shout out to #TeamFollowBack 

. Nah I lied. Y’all get NO love. People that willingly participate in #TeamFollowBack activities are the greatest scums of all time. They can’t be trusted AT ALL; these are the same people that will deliberately skip brushing their teeth in the morning & yet have the audacity to start a full-fledged face-to-face conversation with you. Pure vagabonds. You don’t deserve these internets, so stop crawling your way up my mentions talking about “follow back :p” NO NIGGA! You will get nothing but belittlement and a one way trip to Spam City from this guy.

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying I’m the best tweeter in the world, far from it actually but what I’m saying is 
 Honestly, I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore, so I guess that’s my cue. I’m out.


Guest Blog: “Don’t Subtweet Me Bro. I’m Serious.” by @iTalk2Slick

Well the homie Wale is back with a new blog this week. All I can say is that this is nothing but the TRUTH. There been one person subtweeting me for the past week, & I still haven’t entertained not ONE tweet but they continue to go on. WHEN WILL IT END?

“Don’t Subtweet Me Bro. I’m Serious.”

If you have more than 50 followers on Twitter, I’m more than certain you know what a subtweet is. It seems now that #AtSignAvoidance is on a steady rise and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere but up. If subtweets were a stock, I would be telling y’all to buy. Within the past week I’ve seen more subtweets skate across my TL than I don’t know what. I’ve even had to pull a Mayweather and duck and dodge a few subtweets of my own. The #AtSignAvoidance has gotta stop.

Do you realize how foolish you look subtweeting the same person 6 out of 7 nights of the week with no response??? Seriously. Take a second, sit back and reflect on it. I’ll wait

 Yes. You look THAT foolish.  All those subtweets are lonely whispers of nothingness. Your subtweets = Bow Wow’s relevance in rap. The thing is that most people on your TL probably know who you’re subtweeting. They’re just sitting back tryna see when you’re gonna stop acting like the cowardly lion, grab your nuts and throw an @ sign in your tweets. We all wait patiently, but it never happens.

Just last week there was a “Twitter beef”. Subliminals were being thrown left and right for the better part of 30 minutes. However, both parties involved were avoiding the @ sign like it was a bill collector. I promise they weren’t even trying to look in the direction of that small insignificant little button. My only question is: Why? If you really have that much of an issue with an individual that you’re willing to flex those tendons in your fingers, why not take the extra effort to @ them??? Moesha little brother got hemmed up in his tight red hoody and still had the balls to call Fabolous out on the radio. Yes. The same nigga who was hitting spin moves in the rain in the “One Wish” video. If he can find the courage to call someone out, you can use an @ sign.

I’ve even seen a third party retweet a subtweet and mention the person who was originally being subtweeted. Do you think that subtweeter changed tactics? Nope. They got the perfect lob pass on the fast break, but wanted nothing to do with it. Just kept merrily subtweeting away without the slightest of cares in the world. That is why I say that subtweeters are the scum of the earth. They refuse to actually get their hands dirty. They’re that person that farts on the elevator full of people and is the first one to accuse someone else of doing it. A subtweeter would steal their own mother’s last $10 right out of her purse without any qualms. I just know they would.

The dumbest thing I have ever seen is the “Subtweet Someone Who Isn’t On Twitter” move. That’s when I gotta pull out the “BBM confused face”. Can you explain to me what exactly is the point of subtweeting someone who doesn’t even have a Twitter app on their phone??? Who has no TL for your tender little jab to scroll down??? Solitary murmurs from the nosebleed sections. Those individuals definitely can’t be trusted. Not even by their own friends. If you subtweet someone who doesn’t have a Twitter, I’m reporting you for spam. Straight up. I’m not giving it any second thoughts.

My point in saying all this is that we’re all adults. If you seriously have an issue with someone address it with that person. Don’t subtweet and then when you’re called out on it hit them with the most common lie: “I was just tweeting. That wasn’t even a subliminal.” Oh
 Y’all are the individuals who throw stones then hide in the crowd. We see you. We don’t respect you, but we see you. So chill with the subtweets. You have an @ sign for a reason. Use it.

But that’s all I got for this time. Y’all keep striving for greatness. 

Previously: “It’s Just Twitter” | “Spell Check Is Your Best Friend”


Guest Blog: “It’s Just Twitter” by @iTalk2Slick

Thought it’d be a cool idea to let someone share their opinion on something ohh so touchy…Well I’ve used this phrase way too much lately. But here’s the homie Wale’s thoughts on the subject.

“It’s Just Twitter”

Those three fateful words. “It’s just Twitter”. That has got to be the biggest lie I have ever seen tap dance down my TL. I’ve seen plenty of people RT and laugh at the slander after someone else made a mistake. But as soon as Team Slander got hold of one of YOUR tweets and started cooking your mentions, oh now we being immature and we need to grown up. Feelings get caught like Jerry Rice. It never fucking fails. It is NEVER just Twitter.

Let someone strike the wrong cord with you and all hell will break loose. I’m talking bout monumental Twitter beef. (Which never actually leads to any fights by the way.) All of a sudden you got the toughest thumbs on these here Twitter avenues. You ready for the next major event so y’all can see each other and mean mug for 3 hours, go home and start subtweeting that them bitches saw you in the club, but wasn’t about that life. Everyone knew not a single eyelash was gonna be out of place at the end of the night, but feelings were caught, words were said and threats were uttered. But when it started off, it was “Just Twitter”. Nah. Oh ok. Fuck. Outta. Here.

You are judged off everything that you tweet. Want to know why??? Because those are seen as your thoughts. Which they are. So it’s safe to say that if you tweet it, you probably thought it. I’m not saying that it’s always true, but in the court of public opinion, that’s the overwhelming verdict. Which is why you have to be aware of what you tweet, how you tweet, when you tweet and who you tweet. It doesn’t matter what the truth is. In this day and age people will believe a lie if it is more interesting than the truth. And that my friend is raw, pure, uncut #FACT. Everyone loves a good story. Who gives a fuck if it’s sensationalized. It’s interesting. Niggas love drama. You give it to em and they gonna eat it right up.

Y’all chicks out here who sit there and tweet about sex all day. That is your God given right if you so please. I’m not mad at you at all. Do what you do. But

 you can’t expect people to not think that you’re getting it in. You can’t talk about all the different ways you know how to suck a dick and think people are not gonna believe that you got a mean ass slurp game. It’s only logical to believe that you do. Right??? You’re either putting on for Twitter or you suck a mean dick. It’s either/or. There is no middle ground. Again. You have the right to tweet whatever you want. And we have the right to judge you based off what you tweet. *Shrugs* You may not be a heaux. But you sure as shit think like one.

Pyzicious. (Facetious).  None Shallaunt (Nonchalant).  Nautious  (Nauseas).  You can’t spell words like this and expect people to believe you have an IQ of any higher than 75. It’s so easy nowadays with smart phones to type a word into Google or to have a dictionary app on your phone to spell check words. Which is probably the BIGGEST reason why I judge people so badly based off atrocious spellings. It not only proves that you’re an idiot. It proves that your lazy as shit too. So when you typed the word in and your phone couldn’t even give you a word to autocorrect with, you know you fucked up. Y’all out here just sounding words out. You have gotta look at that word and be like, “Nah. Ain’t no way I spelled that right.” But nope. You have zero conscience. And obviously don’t care that for the next 15 minutes your mentions are gonna look like Sam Cassell. But you don’t wanna be judged. Cuz “It’s just Twitter.”

If I were an employer and I saw some of the shit I tweeted, I promise I wouldn’t even hire myself. I sound like a certified ignorant coon at times on my Twitter. I know I’m not. In the slightest. But perception is everything. You’ve gotta remember that. Which is why it’s NOT just Twitter. So go ahead and think that no one is judging you based off your tweets. But you would be making a very fatal error. Any time there are thoughts and opinions being tossed around, there will be people judged and feelings caught. I’m just being straight up with you. But that’s all I got for you this time. This is my first blog so let me make it. I’m just tryna help y’all be great.

 And follow me on Twitter @iTalk2Slick. I’m out.