
Guest Blog: “It’s Just Twitter” by @iTalk2Slick

Thought it’d be a cool idea to let someone share their opinion on something ohh so touchy…Well I’ve used this phrase way too much lately. But here’s the homie Wale’s thoughts on the subject.

“It’s Just Twitter”

Those three fateful words. “It’s just Twitter”. That has got to be the biggest lie I have ever seen tap dance down my TL. I’ve seen plenty of people RT and laugh at the slander after someone else made a mistake. But as soon as Team Slander got hold of one of YOUR tweets and started cooking your mentions, oh now we being immature and we need to grown up. Feelings get caught like Jerry Rice. It never fucking fails. It is NEVER just Twitter.

Let someone strike the wrong cord with you and all hell will break loose. I’m talking bout monumental Twitter beef. (Which never actually leads to any fights by the way.) All of a sudden you got the toughest thumbs on these here Twitter avenues. You ready for the next major event so y’all can see each other and mean mug for 3 hours, go home and start subtweeting that them bitches saw you in the club, but wasn’t about that life. Everyone knew not a single eyelash was gonna be out of place at the end of the night, but feelings were caught, words were said and threats were uttered. But when it started off, it was “Just Twitter”. Nah. Oh ok. Fuck. Outta. Here.

You are judged off everything that you tweet. Want to know why??? Because those are seen as your thoughts. Which they are. So it’s safe to say that if you tweet it, you probably thought it. I’m not saying that it’s always true, but in the court of public opinion, that’s the overwhelming verdict. Which is why you have to be aware of what you tweet, how you tweet, when you tweet and who you tweet. It doesn’t matter what the truth is. In this day and age people will believe a lie if it is more interesting than the truth. And that my friend is raw, pure, uncut #FACT. Everyone loves a good story. Who gives a fuck if it’s sensationalized. It’s interesting. Niggas love drama. You give it to em and they gonna eat it right up.

Y’all chicks out here who sit there and tweet about sex all day. That is your God given right if you so please. I’m not mad at you at all. Do what you do. But…… you can’t expect people to not think that you’re getting it in. You can’t talk about all the different ways you know how to suck a dick and think people are not gonna believe that you got a mean ass slurp game. It’s only logical to believe that you do. Right??? You’re either putting on for Twitter or you suck a mean dick. It’s either/or. There is no middle ground. Again. You have the right to tweet whatever you want. And we have the right to judge you based off what you tweet. *Shrugs* You may not be a heaux. But you sure as shit think like one.

Pyzicious. (Facetious).  None Shallaunt (Nonchalant).  Nautious  (Nauseas).  You can’t spell words like this and expect people to believe you have an IQ of any higher than 75. It’s so easy nowadays with smart phones to type a word into Google or to have a dictionary app on your phone to spell check words. Which is probably the BIGGEST reason why I judge people so badly based off atrocious spellings. It not only proves that you’re an idiot. It proves that your lazy as shit too. So when you typed the word in and your phone couldn’t even give you a word to autocorrect with, you know you fucked up. Y’all out here just sounding words out. You have gotta look at that word and be like, “Nah. Ain’t no way I spelled that right.” But nope. You have zero conscience. And obviously don’t care that for the next 15 minutes your mentions are gonna look like Sam Cassell. But you don’t wanna be judged. Cuz “It’s just Twitter.”

If I were an employer and I saw some of the shit I tweeted, I promise I wouldn’t even hire myself. I sound like a certified ignorant coon at times on my Twitter. I know I’m not. In the slightest. But perception is everything. You’ve gotta remember that. Which is why it’s NOT just Twitter. So go ahead and think that no one is judging you based off your tweets. But you would be making a very fatal error. Any time there are thoughts and opinions being tossed around, there will be people judged and feelings caught. I’m just being straight up with you. But that’s all I got for you this time. This is my first blog so let me make it. I’m just tryna help y’all be great.

Oh… And follow me on Twitter @iTalk2Slick. I’m out.

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