
Guest Blog: “Too Many Rappers, Not Enough Fans” By @MrMitch401

“Too Many Rappers, Not Enough Fans” – Mitch

What up tho? It’s been a while since I did one of these blogs but some shit needs to be addressed. I was just on twitter (like 30mins ago) and the homie @BigRud made mention of something that I too have an issue with. Most you rap niggas are solid waste in the form of humans, but your videos be looking MTV ready. Now not every trap star can rap my niggas. I say that to say this, just because you’re able to fund your dique “dreams” doesn’t mean you should you wack nigga. For example, You have the money to pay for the best producers, best studio, best videographer but your songs be shitty toilet water fam. Why not save that money you just blew recording the theme song to garbage day for a rainy day. Not everyone can be Jay-Z. But I will say this, those videos do be dope, money well spent IF you actually said something that someone other than your best friend and BM liked. With that said just stop my niggas. Here’s a free tip. Go pick up your favorite rappers newest project , listen to your favorite song on it, then play your best attempt at making music and watch how your shit sounds like pure struggle and desperation in comparison. Just stop I’m begging you! While I’m at it, aye you new “clothing line” niggas you got a min ? Cool, STOP ! Most y’all iron on, bedazzled tee© (Copyright @JohnScinoHs) no sense of style ass lames shirts be looking like summer camp arts and crafts projects. You watering down the cities potential when pitching your fuck shit to people that, to no fault of their own, don’t know any better. The same goes for the music. You all are the used car salesmen of our city/state when we have a solid group of luxury vehicle dealerships that get overlooked due to y’all being FUCKING CORNY! If I was an artist or designer out here I would be punching you niggas in the face every chance I had. You make it hard on the niggas that are putting in that real work and dedication for Their chosen craft. Ok I’m done y’all be cool!

But shout out to the dope niggas/brands out here tho. Like the Dru Barells, Cam Bells, Hil Holla, Ceez, Cru Alexander, Vick Mucka, Lunchbagg, and a few others (I’m drawing a blank but don’t feel a way) and Brands like WATC, Redwood, Thirteen Original, BAR, but again, if I forgot you my fault but if I fuck with you or your brand you already know  If you feel like I’m talking about you I probably am pussy do something. Till next time my niggas.

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