
Guest Blog: “Quick Rant…Just My Thoughts” By @MrMitch401

Just a quick rant…

What’s good tho ? (I really don’t gaf but its polite to ask )

So, Something was bought to my attention today(not that I didn’t already know but) you niggas really out here taking Taco Bell shits on the next nigga name just to acquire some vag that that nigga prolly tired of anyway? I swear you fucking idiots need guidance. The very last thing that should be mentioned to a female when you’re trying to invade her womb is the dudes name who already resides there. Smfh. How hard is that to understand ? Who raised you dickheads? First of all, a female knows if she wants to fuck you within 20sec of meeting you. With that said the outcome can only go one of two ways. Yes you will, or no you won’t. So by you wasting valuable time wiping your ass on the next mans credibility, if the outcome was to be a yes it’s slowly swinging to a “fuck NO dumb nigga”. Listen my niggas, be brief. Get to the point and keep it truckin bruh. There should be no opportunity to speak on, OR try to find out who she is currently fucking. You ol’ franky ocean ass niggas gotta chill. 2014 is a few months away. These chicks are just as much pieces of shit as us niggas are. You have to be a real different type of gay to try to get at a chick by talking about her nigga. Be honest with these ladies. Most of them respect honesty. Even if they deny you, you will never be called wack, lame, corny, or any other name they use to describe your stupid ass. I PROMISE YOU THAT. If all you want to do is fuck. SAY THAT my nigga. Most the broads (If they’re feeling you like that) only want the same thing. So all that captain cuffer shit is only gonna push you into the “I would never fuck this soft ass nigga” zone. But what do I know I’m just a chubby nigga who’s been kinda successful body snatching over my extensive career of whoring. Just know this tho, you new niggas are extremely lucky I’m retired. Lol

BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPINION I’ve been wrong before and probably will be again so take it for what it’s worth cuh !

Oh yeah follow me I’m kinda funny @MrMitch401 (so what that’s a shameless plug fight me)

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