
Guest Blog: “Mercy Flush” by @MrMitch401

“I wrote this blog on the toilet / so it gotta be the shit” ~Troy Ave  (sorta)

It’s 7:28am on a Monday , I’m sitting here taking my morning shit , and like that it hits me ! I say to myself “Nigga flush this shit, your ass stinks” so I flush. Then the thought runs across my mind as to how my dumb ass needs to apply this same logic to my phone . When theres some stinky shit chillin in your  inbox , DON’T FORGET TO FLUSH ! For example. You ever be deep into a text or dm convo that you probably shouldn’t be having? Nah ? Me neither . But for the sake of this blog just follow along. So yeah like I was saying, those text/ dm’s start to get juicy and something lands in your inbox that you might want to refer back to at a later date. DO NOT SAVE IT !!! Flush that shit faster than you would a simple “hey” . If not the potential to get yourself jammed up over what may prob be nothing serious just increased 10 fold. Woman are suspicious by nature, and don’t want to end up looking like her girl that gets shitted on by every nigga she deals with(They all have that 1 friend). Plus if you’ve done wrong in the past she will never fully forgive you nor trust you the same ever again in life, Fuck what she says. And ladies there are some soft ass Drake like niggas that will fish through your shit to see if you passing out box offerings to a real nigga such as myself via text. So this applies to you as well.

 I now apply the “Mercy Flush technique©” to my phone as well as my am dumps. As soon as that suggestive text/dm pops up on your phone follow these steps to save yourself a day or two of explaining .(if that’s what you choose to do. I prefer the “stay the fuck out of my shit technique” but I ain’t shit so don’t follow my moves) 1:Read 2: Respond 3:Mercy flush (DELETE) . It’s that simple . Now repeat that process for as long as the convo continues. And trust me you will continue to have a happy home/Relationship to side chick/nigga ratio. No need to thank me this is just common sense that people sometimes forget to apply to daily life, but I got y’all ! Now let me “mercy flush ” this off my note pad before this is the new topic of discussion. Aight I’m out my legs Fallin asleep and I gotta wipe.  Y’all be cool how y’all be cool and don’t forget to flush !

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