
Global Telethon Raises Over $61 Million for HAITI

According to MTV, last Friday’s telethon was viewed domestically by 83 milion and grossed over $61 million. Hope For Haiti will continue accepting donations for the next six months. You can phone in at 877-99-HAITI or text: Text “GIVE” to 50555.



Unicef | MercyCorps | Yele | WorldVision | SamaritansPurse | IRC



Wyclef Jean x Play Cloths “Haiti Relief Effort” Tee

Haiti faced a natural disaster of unprecedented proportion, an earthquake unlike anything the country has ever experienced. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake – and several very strong aftershocks – struck only 10 miles from Port-au-Prince. Over 2 million people in Port-au-Prince faced this catastrophe alone and idle hands will only make this tragedy worse. Many people across the country have already started to contribute to the Haiti Relief Effort and Play Cloths must do its part as well. Sometimes it is very confusing when donating do to the high level of corruption within certain charities but in this instance Play Cloths feels that Wyclef Jean is a man they can trust.

So starting today, Friday January 15th @ 3pm EST, Play Cloths will release a signature Jack logo t-shirt designed for the Haiti Relief Effort. 100% OF THE PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED to the YELE HAITI EARTHQUAKE FUND, which is an organization supported by Wyclef Jean. In order to send the donation as fast as they can, the Haitian Jack t-shirt will only be on sale from Friday January 15th to Friday January 22nd (one week only).

Click HERE to Purchase you HAITI Play Cloths Shirt!!


Wyclef’s Jean’s “Yele Haiti” Raises $1 Mill, Speaks Live From Haiti [VIDEO]


Wyclef Jean’s organization to aid earthquake relief efforts is announcing substantial success after accepting donations for the cause.

Wyclef’s Yele Haiti was one of several organizations spearheading aid to the troubled island and is now announcing successfully receiving over $1 million in aid since soliciting for help Wednesday.

The organization is not finished however, donations are still being accepted and they have set a new goal of $1 million per day.

To help Yele reach that goal people are strongly encouraged to text “Yele” to 501501 to make a donation of $5.

While the search and rescue process takes over in Haiti, Wyclef has been in the country alongside his wife and members of his organization.

During that time Clef spoke to Fox News correspondent Bill Hemmer on the tragedy.

He tells the reporter while preliminary numbers estimate that 100,000 people perished in the incident he estimates as many as 400,000 people have died.

“The best way to describe this is apocalypse….the count is not 100,000 there’s atleast 400 to 500,000 people that is about to die….we spent the day picking up dead bodies.”


Twista “911” (A Freestyle For Haiti)

var agent=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var is_iphone = (agent.indexOf(‘mobile’)!=-1) && ((agent.indexOf(‘iphone’)!=-1) || (agent.indexOf(‘ipod’)!=-1));
if (is_iphone) {
else {

Listen & Download HERE


Raw Footage caught by surveillance camera as Earthquake started


How and Where to Donate to Haiti (and Avoid Scams)

You’ve probably seen a lot of news, emails, tweets, and other messages about helping Haiti after a devastating earthquake. Here are sites where you can help and donate, and information on avoiding the sad likelihood of fake charity scams.

Photo by The Big Picture/Boston.com.

Giving Help

Avoiding scams and verifying non-profits

  • Send money, not stuff. Charity organizations can use your financial help to restock their supplies, but, as the GlobalPost explains, sending clothes, food, or other items is, at best, misguided.
  • Charity Navigator, an independent evaluator of non-profits and aid organizations, has compiled a list of relief organizations working in Haiti that have attained three- or four-star ratings from their studies, and are generally considered trustworthy and efficient.
  • TIME points out the popularity of text message donation campaigns, but also suggests being cautious of online scams:

    As with any kind of giving, it’s wise to verify that the cause you are donating to is a legitimate organization before pledging your funds. This is especially true when you learn of a nonprofit on Facebook, where phishing and other scams can give the impression that your friends are sending out links, when really a spammer has hijacked their identity.

    Legitimate organizations also send a confirmation text moments after you donate to verify that you really want to give the specified amount, typically $5 or $10. If you say yes, then the amount will appear on your next cell phone bill. If you did not intend to donate, you can cancel your pledge.

  • CBS News recommends checking out any group you’re about to give to at The Foundation Center web site, where you can look up that group’s most recent tax filing and non-profit status.

If you’ve given money, time, or other help to a good organization helping in Haiti, tell us about it in the comments & Thank You very much for your donations!!