
Instagram Socialmatic Camera – Back in Black

Today we can update you all on the much anticipated Socialmatic Camera by ADR Studio. We first presented the Instagram Socialmatic Camera concept in May, it resulted in such high demand, that ADR Design actually went out to look for a production partner. They found one and expect to produce the first prototype end of this year, with an official product launch to follow mid 2013. With these news they also present an updated design of the Socialmatic Camera, this time in a slick black version.

Here is again the list of functions initially presented:

– 16 GB mass storage
– Wifi and Bluetooth
– 4:3 touchscreen
– 2 main lens, first for main capture, second for 3D filters, webcam applications and QR Code capturing
– Optical zoom
– Led Flash
– Internal printer to make your Instagram photos real
– Paper cartridge with Instagram Paper Sheets
– Dedicated 4 colors ink tanks
– InstaOs 1.0, which put together Facebook and Instagram App feature

We will keep you posted about the project.

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